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摘 要

现代著作权法奉行保护作者权利与促进知识传播的双重目标,通过合理使用制度以宏扬平衡精神,协调创作者与使用者之间的利益关系。合理使用经历了由判例法到成文法的演变过程。它是一个“理性的公平正义原则”,其所体现的法律正义系由平等性、公平性、公益性、合理性等价值目标构成。尽管在有些理论中,合理使用被视为是侵害著作权的抗辩事由,其实,我们应将其理解为是对著作权的限制和使用者的一项权利。使用者权作为一种通过合理使用他人作品而享有利益的法权形式,不仅具有一般民事权利性质,而且在某些国家被赋予准宪法权利的意义,是公民行使其言论自由权利的基本条件。“使用目的”、“使用作品的性质”、“使用作品的程度”与“对被使用作品的影响”是使用作品“合理性”判断的基本要素该要素应在立法文件和司法活动中作出科学表达和具体解释。西方国家征收“复制版税”与“录制版税”对合理使用制度产生冲击,即出现对著作权限制的限制。现代传播技术对现代合理使用制度的呼唤:合理使用应适用于新的作品类型,某些合理使用应向法定许可使用转化,判断 “合理性” 规则应着重考察使用人是否取得“实质性利益”。

Title of the Dr. Degree’s Thesis: On Fair Use-a piece of Research in Restriction and Anti-restriction of Copyright

Introduction of the Author: Wu Han-dong, native of Jiangxi Province of P.R.C., was born on Jan.23, 1951. Under the guidance of Prof. Zhao Zhong-fu, he was awarded the Dr. Degree of Law at Chinese People’s University on Jan 10, 1996. Now he continues his research works in the field of Intellectual Property Law.

Key Words: Equitable Rule of Reason, Quasi-Constitutional Right, User’s Right, Judgment of Fair Use, Restriction on the Restriction of Right.


To pursue a dual aim of both protecting an author’s right and of fair use to uphold the spirits of equilibrium and adjust the relationship between an author and a user with regard to their respective interests. Fair use has undergone a process developed from the case law to the statute law. It is an ‘equitable rule of reason’-the legal justice involved in embodies such values as those concerning ‘equality’, ‘equitability’, ‘public welfare’, ‘rationality’, etc. Although fair use is regarded ad a cause of defendence to infringement in some theories, it imposes the restriction of an author’s right and means sort of a user’s right. The user’s right, as a legal form enjoyed interest and right in fair using others’ works, not only a nature of civil right, but also a significance of a quasi-constitutional right as provided in some countries, a basic condition for citizens exercising their rights of free speech. How to form the judgment of a ‘fair’ use of others’ works, there are four standards: (1)’the purpose and character of secondary use’;(2)’the nature of copyrighted works’; (3)’the amount and substantiality involved in its use’;(4)’the effect on the market’-these standards have to be represented scientifically and interpreted specifically. In western countries, the practice of levying ‘royalty of reprography’ and ‘royalty of recording’ makes an impact on the fair use, which means, in turn, a restriction on the restriction of copyright. The modern information technology calls for a modern fair use system, which should be applicable to new types of works and lead to a system concerning legal permissive use. At last, the regulations of judging ‘fair’ use should have its emphasis on examine whether the user has gained ’substantial profit’.

Research Achievements:
1. Wu Han-dong, New View of Intellectual property Law, Hubei People’ Press, Wuhan(1995).
2. Wu Han-dong, Market, Order, Law. Chinese Commerce press, Beijing (1995).
3. Wu Han-dong, Historical Thinking on the Notion of the Copyright Law of China. Studies in Law and Market Economy No.3, 1995.
4. Wu Han-dong, Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Copy Right System, Studies in Law, No.4, 1994.
5. Wu Han-dong, On Fair Use, Studies in Law, No.4, 1995
6. Wu Han-dong, Dissemination of Roman Law and PROSPERITY OF Law Science Studies in Law and Market Economy No.6, 1994.

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